With the new changes to Google’s algorithm that just happened recently, Google Panda, Google Fresh, etc. Everyone on the blogs has been talking about what this is going to do for article marketing. While there is no definitive answer to this question, as Google isn’t so keen on telling you exactly how to manipulate the algorithm, there are some tried and true methods that are going to prosper and continue. Article marketing is still going to be a key success metric for keeping any site properly optimized and fresh. Google has added more emphasis on quality and unique content. They have de-emphasized the value and strength of just posting articles with links on any of the many article websites that you can find around the internet. What does this mean for your article marketing campaign?
White hat SEO is the only way that you are going to be able to compete in this new Google environment. Every day that goes by and every year that passes Google is slowly refining the algorithm to keep out black hat SEO.
Many of the marketers out there wonder how they can optimize a site that is:
- Not Original
- Not Creative.
The only simple answer to this question, write unique and creative content, which contribute to the success of your site. This is easier said than done as many of the marketers out there these days are slowly but surely outsourcing SEO article marketing to people without the strength of the language they are writing the articles for. One of the new strong things that Google has definitely started to frown upon is bad grammar. This is not to say that all bad grammar will be taken into effect because I can promise you that normal people have bad grammar, but it is the extreme bad grammar that you will find from article marketers in foreign countries that is a red flag for your article marketing campaign.
With another algorithm update sweeping across the web, the same old tried and true methods are going to be the ones that put you to the front of the herd. You must take time and effort in your article marketing campaigns. You must make sure your grammar is correct, and if you are hiring an author, you need to make sure that whatever language is his strength, he is writing your articles in that language.